Page 24 - 2022-12
P. 24

Club Classifieds                                                  Neighbor to Neighbor

          House for Rent                   Recumbent Bike
          Berry model                      Like new. Only                         A SPECIAL THANK YOU
          The address is 2224 Benton       used for a few
          Loop.Rent price is $3,000 per    months. Bought                         I wanted to write this short note of gratitude to all the people in our
          month.                           on Amazon. Only                        community who donated canned goods and other items to the food
          Call Paul for details            used for a few                         drive sponsored by Helping Hands. The kindness and generosity
          650-714-7117                     months. Monitors                       were overwhelming. I counted over 1,000 cans of food, toiletry
                                           heart rate, time,                      items, toilet paper and miscellaneous other items donated.
                                           speed. Place for                       Everything is being donated to the homeless and others in need.
                                           Ipad or cell phone. Can adjust
                                           tension from light to heavy.           A special thanks to Helping Hands and Potluck for their support.
                                           Dee Parker 916-7595746
                                                                                  Brian Parry and John Eleazarraraz
                   Do you have something to sell?

                           Try our Classifieds!
           Visit the community website to view photographs and                         “Neighbor to Neighbor” items are helpful hints
                        review the most up to date ads.                                            submitted by our residents
                                             who have concerns or would like to share information.
            To have your ad included in the next Courier, visit our
                           website or email your ad to                                    Have something to share? Send an email to


                                                                                                                 Duane Smith
                                                                                                            1+(916) 871-5587

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