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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                  Democratic Forum                                                         Helping Hands 2.0

         SOME ARE SAYING THAT THE 2024 ELECTIONS WILL BE THE                     appreciate you.
         MOST IMPORTANT OF OUR LIVES. HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO  We are proud to announce 4 new members to our Steering Committee:
         GET INVOLVED.                                                           Bonnie Pavri, Phyllis Musselman, Julie Good and Betty Morin.  A great
         Like to talk politics while you munch on lunch? Our Annual Winter       group of go getters that will surely enhance our SIG and will ensure we
         Holiday Bash and Luncheon will be held December 6 at Original Al’s      will have even more offerings for our community.
         Restaurant,, (formerly known as Pete’s), 5005      We are getting ready for our Annual Bake Sale and Hot Dog Lunch at
         Foothills, Roseville.                                                   the Craft Show on Sat, Dec 2.  We will be sending out emails to ask for
         How do you feel about gun safety, abortion rights, homelessness? Those  volunteer bakers, and we know we won’t be disappointed with your
         topics and more will be on the table when we start off the new year with  response.  We will have more room this year, so bake away!
         our very popular Open Forum, January 3 at 1:00PM in the retreat.        Our new iteration of Coffee and Chat is almost complete.  Here’s a hint:
         With 2024 quickly approaching, it’s time to turn over the group’s reigns  Happy Hour!  Stay tuned for all the details.  Starts the first Friday of each
         to new leadership. Interested or just want some input? Attend our       month, beginning with Jan 5th from 4:00-5:30.  We’ll  have all the
         steering committee meetings at 2:30PM, the second Wednesday of every  details ready for you soon,
         month in the Wellness Room at the Retreat.                              Attention Card makers: We are looking for a few more card makers to
         SAVE THE DATES                                                          join our team to make recycled cards for our community. It is a relaxing,
         Wed. December 6, 12:00PM – Annual Winter Holiday Bash and               fun, and rewarding way to use your skills to help our neighbors. Cards
         Luncheon – Original Al’s Restaurant and Pizzeria                        and guidance will be provided. If you are interested, please contact Sam
         Wed. January 3, 1:00PM – Open Forum                                     McGuff at  or (925) 285-1049.
         Steering Committee Meetings are at 2:30 PM on the second Wednesday  If you have cards to donate, please drop them off to Sam at 317 Lixton
         of every month at The Retreat                                           Ct. or call/email Sam for pick up.
                                                                                 PLEASE LET US KNOW WHO WE NEED TO SEND CARDS TO!
                                  Digital World Club                             PLEASE EMAIL MARILYN LANE AT:  We
                                                                                 will also run errands for items at the grocery store or pick up a
         The Digital World Club’s (DWC’s) next meeting will be held on           prescription at the drug store.
         Wednesday, November 8, at 10 AM in The Retreat library.                 HAVE A WONDERFUL THANKGSIVING!
         Jody Oberdank is back for our November 8 meeting with another
         presentation on Scam Awareness.                                                                      Line Dancing
         Awareness is the best defense against scams. Scammers are getting
         increasingly sophisticated in their attempts to get your money or personal   Line Dancing meets every Friday at 12:00 noon in the Wellness
         details. Be alert and protect yourself from being scammed.              Room. This is a choreographed form of dance performed in one or more
         Jody will review common and current scam threats, prevention measures,   lines. We dance to many different rhythms such as Latin, Swing, Waltz,
         and what to do if you get bitten. This presentation will be held in the   Fox Trot and Country.
         Library at the Retreat.                                                 Join us for the "health" of it!
         Get on the DWC email list to receive information about our monthly      Email with any questions about our
         meetings and general information about the digital world we live in by   group.
         checking the Digital World Club box in your profile.                          "Motion begets emotion, have fun in life, Dance"
         Contact Rick Koehler for help at 916-749-3022 or                                                      Mah Jongg
                                    Hand and Foot                                MAH JONGG IS PLAYED ON TUESDAY AFTERNOONS FROM 1-3
                                                                                 P.M. AT THE CLUB.
         Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm   Mah Jongg is a game of skill and luck played with tiles and a card with
         until around 4 pm.  Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who   set hands with three to four people per table.  We play the American
         plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 p.m. in order to draw cards   version on the current yearly card which is ordered from the National
         so that play can begin by 2 p.m.)                                       Mah Jongg League.
         Come join us and have some fun. If you would like to learn to play or   Come and join us! It's a fun afternoon of playing with and meeting and
         have questions contact: Gloria Cordle-Borley 209-402-1933 or            making new friends. Experienced and beginning players are welcome.                                                     We can help you learn. Please contact Diana Bixby at
                                                                        or call 510 390-2543.
                                  Helping Hands 2.0
                                                                                                             Orchid Group
         Thank you to all who participated in our Fall Chili/Hot Dog Booth at the
         Club Open House.  It was a great success.  We ran out of 150 hot        If your orchids don’t bloom when they should and you’re confident
         dogs!!!!  And the Raffle was very exciting, with 5 great prizes to win.    they’re getting enough light and water, chances are the problem is with
         All in all, we raised $1134, after expenses, all earmarked for local    either not fertilizing, or using flawed fertilizing methods or products.
         charities that we will choose  at our December Steering Committee       Fertilizing isn’t that complicated if you understand some basic concepts
         Meeting. The volunteers were wonderful and so were the eaters!  We      and can recognize a fertilizer myth when you see one.
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