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Dick Tipton The Club at WestPark
Community Association
The Board of Directors is halfway through our first term as a Board, and there is
much to do during the remainder of this term. As reported in the December 3240 Kennerleigh Parkway,
report, there is water damage to the Retreat roof and management will seek bids Roseville, CA 95747
to repair or replace this reserve asset. Either approach will be costly, but we have Phone: (916) 771-7801
built up our Reserve Fund over the past two years and will be able to choose the Fax: (916) 771-7827
best approach without the need for a special assessment.
The Landscape Committee will develop a strategic plan to tackle the problem caused by invasive tree The Retreat Facility Hours
roots in our common area walkways. While this too could be a costly project, there can be incremental Monday - Friday
or alternative solutions that break the issue into manageable increments. 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday
The Board of Directors will continue to meet on the last Wednesday of each month at 3:00 PM. Board 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
meetings will continue to be available on Zoom, but we would strongly encourage you to attend the
meetings in person, if you are able to do so. We want your input and will continue to answer your
concerns in the open session whenever possible. FirstService Residential
Customer Care Center
As a reminder, Assessments are due on the first day of each quarter. A fifteen-day grace period is (800) 428-5588
allowed to allow time for member assessments to be received and recorded. Any assessments not Resident Portal
recorded by the 15 of the month will be considered delinquent and subject to penalties as described in
our Governing Documents.
Board of Directors
There will be two openings on the board at the end of this term and we hope there will be several Dick Tipton, President
candidates who choose to throw their name in the hat to serve the community. We are looking forward Mary Gale, Vice President
to a strong year in 2024 and need community support to make that happen. Tom Stevens, Member at Large
Linda Mohr, Secretary
Retreat Staff Job Responsibilities - To streamline your questions and concerns Terry Eyrich, Treasurer
General Manager, Laura Young, CCAM: Board of Director/Operational, Retreat Maintenance,
Voting/Ballot Questions, Billing & Accounting Concerns, Resident Portal Issues Email:
AGM, Christina Gee: Landscaping concerns, ARC Submittals, Work Orders, Compliance 2024 Board of Directors
(violations), Retreat Maintenance, Billing & Accounting Concerns, Resident Portal Issues, ClickPay Monthly Meetings
Issues Meetings are open to all
members of the Association.
Lifestyle, Shannon Van Every: Event planning, scheduling, questions, Monthly Courier Ques- Next Meeting
tions/Ads, SIG (coordination, planning, and implementation), Fitness Class Questions/Scheduling/ Wednesday, February 28th at 3pm
Orientations, Fitness and Event Refunds, Private and Resident Facility Rentals, Resident Portal Sign-
Up, WestPark Website Inquiries Onsite Association Staff
Maintenance, Drew Glover: General Plumbing & Electrical, Establish & Maintain Preventative 916-771-7801
Maintenance Schedule, Pool & Spa Chemicals, Set-Up / Tear Down for SIGs & HOA, Vendor Man-
Laura Young, General Manager
agement, Fire & Safety Maintenance, Fitness Equipment Maintenance, General overall cleanliness of
entire Retreat Property, Bocce Court - Rolling, The Retreat Security Equipment (Sonitrol)
Customer Service Representatives: Fitness and Event Registration, Name Badges and Access Christina Gee, AGM
cards, Event Set Up and Tear Down, General Inquiries
Shannon Van Every, Lifestyle Director
A reminder about operation of the HOA
Compliance, financial reporting, and quarterly assessments are managed by FirstService Residential. FirstService
staff are engaged by and work at the will of the Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for their Home Specific Emergencies
management. Contact Laura Young, General Manager first, if you have any questions or concerns you feel need to (800) 762-5858
be addressed.
If you feel that the matter needs to be brought to the Board’s attention, please send an email to The email will be received by the entire Board, Laura Young, General Home Warranty Questions
Manager and Sara Jue, Vice President of Active Adult Communities. All correspondence is included in the
monthly Board packet for review at the next Board meeting. A member in good standing can ask for a private
meeting with the Board to discuss personal matters.
February 2024 Page 2