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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                     Wii Bowling                                                      Wine Appreciation (WAG)

         The Wii Bowling Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday evening of each          Steering Committee, who put timeless hours into making these events
         month from 6pm – 9pm.  We have a lively, fun competition to see which  enjoyable for everyone.
         randomly chosen team can score the highest average after playing a set   In January, the featured winery will be Lacavalier Cellars in
         of 3 games to win the night's prize.  We always look forward to         Newcastle.  Our theme is “Bling in the New Year” hosted by Barbara
         welcoming new members into our group who we hope will enjoy playing  Allen and Carolyn Duran.  We are excited to bring this new winery to
         the game and socializing with their friends and neighbors.  If any      you.  They will be showcasing their diverse selections of delicious
         residents have an interest in joining our group, please email your hosts,   wine.  The small plates will be done by Gourmet Garage.  Please look
         Barry and Diana Gray, at:                           for Sign Up Genius if you wish to sign up.
         Our next game night is Tuesday, January 14th, 2025.  Dues of $5 per     If you are not a member of WAG, but wish to join, please contact
         person, per game night are collected the night of the event and prizes of  Bonnie Pavri at (707) 228-6255 or via Email at
         $25 gift cards to various local restaurants are awarded to each member of  Cheers!
         the highest scoring team.  Please watch for your opportunity to RSVP for
         January, starting on Tuesday, December 31st at approximately 6 pm.                    Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
         Reservations are required in order to play.
         Jackson Seaberg achieved a near perfect game during our December        The Drama Club will hold auditions for our Spring Production on Jan 20,
         game night.  Jackson finished one frame away after throwing 11 strikes   2025.  Audition material will be passed out the week before.  Our next
         and 1frustrating spare for a total score of 275. Over the years since the   performance will be April 25 – 27.  All are welcome to audition, no
         inception of our Wii Bowling Group, a few of our members have come      experience needed.  Call Cynthia Simmons or Rita DeMatteis for more
         close to achieving the 300 point perfect game.  We invite every resident  information.
         to join our group and see for yourself how much fun the Wii Bowling
         group actually is. We would love to see you join us in 2025!

                                                                                            “21  Century” rules of bidding and play,
                                                                                    per the American Contract Bridge League, “ACBL”.

                                                                                            Never played bridge?  Played it in college?
                                                                                      Played it in the military? Think it’s too hard to play?
                                                                                                            Think Again!!

                                                                                  Topics to Include: Introduction, Major and Minor Suits,
                                                                                     No Trump, Scoring, Opening, Responses/ Rebids, Weak
                                                                                  Two’s, Strong Bids, Overcalls, Advances, Take-Out Doubles,
                Jackson Seaberg achieved a near perfect game during our                              Limit Raises, Conventions,
             December game night. Jackson finished one frame away after                                   And Much More!
            throwing 11 strikes and 1frustrating spare for a total score of 275.
                                                                                        Wednesday’s At The Retreat, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
                             Wine Appreciation (WAG)                                           (1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26)
                                                                                                   Teacher – Richard Simmons
         We finished out the year with a spectacular night of fun, fun, fun.  The             Sponsored by The Bridge Club (SIG)
         wine was flowing, along with lively conversation.  It’s so nice to see
         everyone relaxing and enjoying themselves.  There were lots of give                        $10/per person for materials & handouts.
         always; over 12 bottles of wine, 6 gift cards and the Grand Prize, which                                 RSVP by contacting
         is a free WAG event for 2.  Congratulations to all the winners!                               Teddie Allison by text at 541-678-1554
         We will be having a price increase beginning in January.  The event cost                          mail
         will now be $35.00 per person, still a bargain considering the quality of
         food and quantity of wine poured.  A big thank you to everyone for
         supporting the Wine Appreciation Group, Hosts, Volunteers and

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