Page 57 - MMI Cadet Manual SY2017.18
P. 57

7.15    Room Change

               A Room Change Request Form and a Cadet Room Condition Report must be submitted to the
               Commandant of Cadets’ Office before a room change can be effected.  A new room key will be
               issued upon return of the old room key.  Charges will apply for lost keys.

               7.16  Room Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

               The purpose of this SOP is to provide  guidance for the display and storage of all uniforms,
               civilian clothes, footlockers, and other personal items located in each cadet’s room.  Cadet rooms
               will be inspection ready daily and during formal inspections to ensure compliance with this SOP.

               Rooms will be standardized to the extent  possible.  However, since each barracks  and some
               individual rooms are designed differently,  each company commander  may  recommend SOP
               modifications to the Commandant of Cadets.  Cadets may not reorganize or remove furniture or
               use other rooms for storage or other purposes without the express approval of the Commandant
               of Cadets’ Office.

               The barracks storage rooms are to be utilized for storage of excess property.  These  rooms,
               however,  are  a service to the cadet  and MMI does not accept any responsibility for loss or
               damage to items that are stored.  The storage room must present a neat appearance and will be
               inspected during daily and formal inspections.

                   a.  Closet Display Arrangements (Folded Items):

                             i.   Folding a towel or pillow case:
                                     1.  Fold item in thirds, by width
                                     2.  Fold in half, lengthwise
                                     3.  Fold in thirds, lengthwise
                                     4.  Smooth (closed) edges will be aligned with the front of the shelf
                            ii.   Folding a bath cloth:
                                     1.  Fold bath cloth in half
                                     2.  Fold in half again
                                     3.  Smooth (closed) edges will be aligned with the front of the shelf
                           iii.   Folding a sheet:
                                     1.  Fold sheet in half by width
                                     2.  Fold in half again by width
                                     3.  Fold in thirds, lengthwise
                                     4.  Fold in half by width
                                     5.  Fold in half, lengthwise
                                     6.  Smooth (closed) edges will be aligned with the front of the shelf
                           iv.   Folding a blanket:
                                     1.  Fold blanket in half, by width
                                     2.  Fold in half, lengthwise
                                     3.  Fold it in thirds, lengthwise
                                     4.  Smooth (closed) edges will be aligned with the front of the shelf

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