Page 16 - QNA ALIF
P. 16
QNA SSC Suggestion
11. A Winter Night
12. A Moonlit Night Chapter- 1 : ব্ স্তব্ সিংখয
13. The Life of a street Hawker
14. A Tea Stall
15. Importance of Learning English
1. ¯^vfvweK msL¨v, g~j`- Ag~j` msL¨vi D`vniYmn msÁv,
16. An Ideal Student
g~j`-Ag~j` Avjv`vKiY
17. Global Warming 2. `yBwU msL¨v †`Iqv _vK‡e| G‡`i g‡a¨ GKwU g~j` I
18. Environment Pollution GKwU Ag~j` msL¨v wjL|
19. Road Accident /Road Mishap 3. iscvšÍi Ki:
20. Deforestation K. Ave„Ë fMœvsk `kwgK fMœvsk
L. `kwgK fMœvsk †_‡K Ave„Z fMœvsk
cÖgvY Ki:
1. √ GKwU Ag~j` msL¨v
1. Duties of a student
2. g~j` msL¨v¸‡jvi mgwó|
2. The Season you Like the Most
3. cÖ`Ë msL¨vi eM© GKwU we‡Rvo msL¨v
3. Your Aim in Life
4. 4wU mL¨vi ¸Yd‡ji mv‡_ 1 †hvM Ki‡j †hvMdj c~Y©eM©
4. Recent Floods in Bangladesh n‡e|
5. Importance of Trees in our 5. = − ; GKwU we‡Rvo msL¨v
Life/Importance of Tree Plantation 6. = − we‡Rvo msL¨v; †K Øviv fvM
6. The Uses of Computer in Everyday Life Ki‡j cÖwZ‡ÿ‡Î fvM‡kl n‡e|
7. Your Favorite Hobby (5) 7. eM©g~j wbY©q Ki|
8. Science in Everyday Life
9. The Benefits of Reading Newspaper
10. Your Favourite Game Chapter- 2: যসট ও োংশন
11. Wonders of Modern Science (K)
12. A Journey you have Recently Enjoyed 1. ‡mU‡K ZvwjKv c×wZ †_‡K †mU MVb c×wZ‡Z iƒcvšÍi
13. Importance of Physical Exercise
2. ‡mU MVb c×wZ †_‡K ZvwjKv c×wZ‡Z iƒcvšÍi Ki|
14. A Journey by Boadt
K. = { : Ges < }
15. Discipline
L. = { : , > Ges < }
16. Computer
17. Visit to a place of Historical Interest
18. Population Problem in Bangladesh 1. Aš^q/dvskb n‡Z †Wv‡gb/ †iÄ †ei Ki|
19. Physical Exercise 2. †m‡Ui Dcv`vb msL¨v n‡j ( ) Gi Dcv`vb
20. Value of Time msL¨v n‡e|