P. 26
6.0 Local SuDS requirements for
Local SuDS requirements
Landscape character There are also four source protection zones
along the River Cray in the south east which
The London Borough of Bexley is located in require special consideration when infiltrating
the south east of London, bounded in the within the marked zones. These can be seen
north by the River Thames. Alongside the in figure 1. Solution features called Swallow
Thames frontage the ground levels are low, holes are known to occur in areas where
flat and sometimes below the river water line. chalk is overlain with Thanet Sand. So in
Predominantly drained by ditches and dykes these areas, extra consideration of the
water levels in the area are maintained by potential for swallow holes is required. Saxon
pumps. In this location there is potential for Mining features known as Dene holes are also
high groundwater.
to be found at some locations in the South
There are steep hills where the Harwich East of the borough, such as the Baldwyn’s
formation has a thin band of Lambeth Group Park area.
next to it. Particularly in the north of the
borough this is prevalent and in these
locations there is opportunity to use SuDS to
reduce the speed of water flowing off the
21 hills.
Running through the centre of the borough is
the Dartford via Bexleyheath railway line
which splits the London Borough of Bexley
into two with the northern half draining to
the Erith marshes and the Thames, whilst the
southern half drains to the River Cray and its
tributaries, the River Shuttle and the
Wyncham Stream.
Key areas of interest in the borough are the
two SSSI locations, Abbey Wood and
Wansnut Pit which can be found at http://
London Borough of Bexley SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates