P. 54
Concept Design 7.5 Concept information required for SuDS evaluation
The information required at the Concept Design stage will depend on the type
and scope of the proposed development.
7.5.1 Pre-application discussion
Constructive discussion between the LPA,
The design team will provide a Concept
the LLFA and the SuDS designer will save the
Design for a pre-application design meeting,
developer time and the cost of potential
or as preliminary design information should a
re-design, providing planners with
pre-application meeting not be appropriate.
reassurance that the project that is delivered
Pre-application discussions with the LPA and will meet local planning expectations.
LLFA provide an opportunity for the designer
to confirm the preliminary requirements for The discussions will be informed by the
the SuDS design, and for the evaluation team LASOO (Local Authority SuDS Officer
to understand the objectives and character Organisation) NSTS for Sustainable Drainage:
of the SuDS proposed for the development. Practice Guidance.
49 guidance_2016_.pdf
A sunken SuDS courtyard with solar water feature
into a formal rill at Bromsgrove Civic Centre.
London Borough of Merton SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates