Page 105 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 105

the 1 in 100 flow rate - for example this             opening size until the 1 in 1 year event is
          may be 350mm for a permeable                          attenuated to the 1 in 1 discharge rate and
          pavement or up to 600mm for basins.                   make a note of the resulting maximum
                                                                storage depth.
      4.  Make a note of the calculated opening
          size to achieve the 1 in 100 flow rate at          8.  Re-run the calculations for the 1 in 100
          this storage depth.                                   year event based on the changed                    Detailed Design
                                                                opening.  The maximum flow rate will now
      5.  Based on the same storage component                   be below the allowable discharge rate
          design and flow control opening, calculate            resulting in more storage than is
          how a 1 in 1 year rainfall event will behave          necessary.  To overcome this, a second
          – make a note of the maximum storage                  opening may be placed above the 1 in 1
          depth and maximum flow rate. Note that                storage depth noted in step 7.  Add a
          the volume and therefore driving head will            second opening so that it’s lower most
          be significantly smaller for the 1 in 1 year          point (invert) is at or above the 1 in 1
          rainfall event and therefore the flow rate            storage depth and recalculate the storage
          through the orifice will be significantly             behavior in a 1 in 100 event.  Adjust the
          lower.                                                opening size and height above the 1 in 100

      6.  If the calculated maximum flow is less                storage depth until the 1 in 100 flow rate is
          that the 1 in 1 year control rate then the            achieved at the maximum storage depth
          opening does not need changing.                       for the 1 in 100 event.

      7.  If the calculated maximum flow for the 1 in
          1 event is larger than the 1 in 1 year control                      Design Notes:
          rate then reduce the opening size and
          recalculate based on the 1 in 1 event being          Both the 1 in 1 and 1 in 100 discharge
          mindful that the 1 in 100 year scenario will         rates can be achieved by any
          have to be reconsidered.  Amend the                  combination of the following:                       100
                                                                  ■  Adjusting the depth of each defined
                                                                  storage tier by adjusting the area and
                                                                  therefore volume of each tier
                                                                  ■  Incorporating one or more additional
                 required 1 in 100 flow rate

                                                               Other options can be explored where
                                                               there is difficulty in matching outflow
                 flow rates derived by area drained            rates for both the 1 in 1 year and 1 in 100
                 and respective growth curve                   year flows:
                                                                  ■  Try different types of openings such
                                                                  as rectangular and v-notch weirs.

                                                                  ■  Store for a different return period – it
                                                                  is not necessary to store for the 1 in
                                                                  100 year return period in every sub-
 required 1 in 1 flow rate                                        catchment. The final discharge from
                                                                  the site must meet requirements of


      Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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