Page 123 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 123

Meadow vegetation

      Meadow vegetation has greater resilience to               and care to establish. Other mixtures are
      dry conditions with less likelihood of lodging            available where a drier or wetter grassland
      and offers amenity and biodiversity benefits              might be expected.
      including habitat connectivity and visual                 ■  The addition of an annual cornflower mix        Detailed Design
                                                                can give a floral impact in year one.
      The grass and herb species develop a much                 ■  Meadow vegetation should comprise
      greater root and leaf mass that assist both               native UK provenance seed.
      infiltration and evaporation losses.  It
      provides very effective filtering and slowing             ■  Usually a single cut, rake off and removal
      of the flow of water as it passes through the             of cuttings towards the end of September
      grass profile.                                            or early October is sufficient to keep the
                                                                sward visually acceptable. Further cuts
         ■  The meadow mixture that is most useful
          where regular or occasional inundation is             can be carried out at other times of the
                                                                year for specific visual or species
          expected is based on the MG5 grassland                management.
          community (NVC classification). This
          mixture is tolerant of both wet conditions            ■  Autumn is the best time to seed as some
          in winter and summer drought but as with              meadow plants need cold weather to

          all meadow grass habitat can require time             break dormancy (cold stratification).


      Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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