Page 73 - Enfield SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 73

9.1  Objectives of Detailed Design

      Detailed Design should develop and refine                 ■  meet the requirements for NPPF and

      the agreed SuDS strategy from the Concept                 NSTS along with Local SuDS Standards
      and Outline design stages. Outputs from the               and SuDS related planning policies
      detailed design should:                                                                                      Detailed Design
                                                                ■  confirm how the SuDS scheme maximises
         ■  provide sufficient information to give the          opportunities for amenity and biodiversity
          LPA and LLFA a full understanding of how              ■
          the scheme will appear and operate                    deliver schemes which are legible and
                                                                function passively.

      9.2  What Detailed Design should demonstrate

      The SuDS Detailed Design considers in detail              ■  proportionate analysis to confirm
      all the influencing factors on the scheme with            attenuation volumes with allowances for
      over-arching requirements as follows:                     climate change and urban creep, and
                                                                controlled flow rates for each sub-
         ■  the use of Source Control techniques
          provides a controlled flow of clean water             catchment and final site discharge rates
          through the site                                      ■  materials and plant varieties specified
                                                                accord with local landscape character
         ■  demonstrate that the modified flow

          route(s) provides for extreme flows and               ■  demonstrate safe design for contractors,        68
          where possible connectivity corridors for             operatives and general users of the site
          biodiversity through the site
                                                                ■  that SuDS which are being offered for
         ■  carefully consider all site levels to ensure        adoption meet the relevant standards of
          that the system will function as intended             the adopting body.
          in ‘day to day’ and also extreme

         ■  demonstrate that individual SuDS
          components meet respective design

                                                   Design Note :

          Schemes invariably evolve and change from concept stage. The designer should therefore
        confirm no material changes to drainage strategy from that agreed with LPA at the Concept
          or Outline design stages. Any materials changes should be discussed and agreed with the
                                    LPA prior to detailed design submission.

      Enfield Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                            © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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