P. 51
Concept Design 7.4.13 Flow rate calculations Approach 2 is simpler but usually results in approach 1 approach 2 Concept Design
The aim of controlling flow from a
larger storage volumes than Approach 1.
development, whether it has been previously
developed or not, is to restrict outflow rates
An allowance for climate change, and in
to pre-existing ‘greenfield runoff rates’.
certain situations urban creep, should be
included in hydraulic calculations.
There are two approaches to controlling
outflow rates: Approach 1, as set out in the
An online tool for estimating Greenfield
NSTS (non-statutory technical standards)
runoff rates can be found at www.uksuds.
requiring additional volume management,
com or calculated using the methodology in area area
and Approach 2, the current practice the SuDS Manual 2015. The
commonly called the Qbar method.
calculator is based on regional geological
Approach 1 – (NSTS S2 and S4), where the mapping which can be unrepresentative of interception losses interception losses
volume of runoff is managed to Greenfield actual site conditions. Inputs to the
volume, the allowable discharge rate is Greenfield runoff calculation should rely upon
permitted to vary between the 1 in 1 year and actual soil types for the site rather than other
1 in 100 year Greenfield runoff rates for the regional geological maps unless otherwise attenuation long attenuation
respective rainfall return periods. specifically stated in Section 6.0 ‘Local SuDS storage term storage
Approach 2 – (NSTS S6), where additional losses
runoff volumes cannot be managed on site, In Approach 1 the ‘greenfield runoff rate’ will variable outflow outflow for 1in100 yr
runoff rates must be further restricted to increase with increasing storm return periods. from 1in1 to 1in100yr /sec rainfall event limited
45 ensure that there is no increase in flood risk The flow control mechanism will need to greenfield runoff /ha to 2yr greenfield 46
runoff rate
elsewhere. The general approach that is account for this increase in flow rate.
adopted is to limit the maximum outflow rate
In Approach 2 the Qbar value for a site will
to Qbar (approximately equivalent to 1 in 2 only be achieved for the site or sub-
year greenfield rate) for all rainfall return
catchment when the storage feature is full.
periods up to the 1 in 100 year rainfall event Most of the time the flow rate is less until a Approach 1 and Approach 2 - Discharge Requirements
depending on the local soil type.
full storage head is generated.
1 in 1 year rainfall 1 in 100 year Long term
(maximum rainfall storage-
outflow rate) (maximum volume
outflow rate) control
Approach 1 1 in 1 year 1 in 100 year Yes
greenfield rate greenfield
See Climate Change Allowance (CCA)
Approach 2 Qbar/ Qmed Qbar/ Qmed No
and Urban Creep Section
London Borough of Newham SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates London Borough of Newham SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates