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portal can be found at http://gis.                     following Upper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic                         eras are generally softer, comprising
      LandscapeCharacter. The web based                      sandstones and marls and make up the
      mapping tool produced for the Minerals Local           greater part of central Worcestershire,
      Plan might also proof a useful source of               including the eastern parts of Wyre Forest
      information          and most of Bromsgrove and Redditch.
      Website/MineralsLocalPlan/                             Overlying the ‘solid geology’ are Quaternary
                                                             deposits of ‘drift’ material. These include till /    Local SuDS requirements
                                                             boulder clay deposited directly by glacial ice,

      Local Geology                                          in the north-east area of Bromsgrove as well
                                                             as fluvio-glacial deposits, which can be found
      Most of the north-west of Worcestershire               particularly along the major rivers, such as in
      consists of Old Red Sandstone. Carboniferous           the valleys of the Severn and Stour.
      strata occur in the western parts of Wyre
      Forest Area, and in the extreme north of               The following map aims to give an indication
      Bromsgrove, where they form a western                  of the local geology and therefore the
      continuation of the South Staffordshire                likelihood that a site will be suitable for
      Coalfield.                                             infiltration SuDS. The actual suitability of a
                                                             site will need to be determined using site
      These strata contain layers of sandstone and           specific investigations and permeability
      shales, ironstone and coal deposits.

      The Permian and Triassic rocks of the
                                                             Local SuDS specific requirements

                                                             Effective on-site management of surface
                                                             water can improve water quality, water
                                                             conservation, the replenishment of ground
                                                             water supplies and reduce instances of
                                                             flooding. Wyre Forest District Council
                                                             therefore requires all development with
                                                             surface water drainage implications to
                                                             provide Sustainable Drainage Systems
                                                             (SuDS) for the management of surface water.
                                                             Where ground condition allows management
                                                             of surface water via infiltration is preferred.
                                                             Wyre Forest’s policies regarding flood risk

                                                             management, the use of SuDS and Green

                                                             North Worcestershire Water Management
                                                             Ground Permeability Map.

      Wyre Forest District Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                      © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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