Page 35 - Lincolnshire SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 35

Modified Flow Routes
       Step 2 – Modified Flow Route analysis                        Holyoakes School
                                                                            Proposed hard surfaces

                                                                            Proposed soft surfaces
      The modified flow route analysis is the basis          Once the modified flow routes have
                                                                            Proposed trees
      for low flow conveyance through the site,              demonstrated that runoff can flow
      overflow arrangements and exceedance                   predictably through the site, the arrangement         Concept Design
                                                                            Proposed contours
      routes when design criteria are exceeded.              of runoff collection, source control, site
                                                             control, regional control, conveyance, storage
                                                                            Surface ow
                                                             and final release from site can be designed.
                                                                            Roof runo
                                                                                Modified Flow Route
                                                                            Modied ow routes                Holyoakes School
                                                                                                               Modified Flow Routes

                                                                                                                     Proposed hard surfaces

                                                                                                                     Proposed soft surfaces

                                                                                                                     Proposed trees

                                                                                                                     Proposed contours

                                                                                                                     Surface ow
                                                                                                                     Roof runo

                                                                                                                     Modied ow routes

                                                            discharge to
                                                           existing ditch

      Modified Flow Route Analysis for Holyoakes School, Robert Bray Associates.

      Lincolnshire County Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                      © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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