Page 77 - Lincolnshire SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 77

9.3.3  Supporting information

      Depending on the nature of the scheme                     near a main river (including where the
      various investigations, tests and calculations            river is in a culvert), works on or near a

      may need to be performed along with                       flood defence or for works in the flood
      obtaining necessary consents:                             plain of a main river; Ordinary                    Detailed Design
                                                                Watercourse Consent (LLFA) for any
         ■  Ground investigation, including infiltration
                                                                structure with the potential to affect flows
          test results, soil testing and groundwater            in an ordinary watercourse; highway drain
          monitoring as appropriate.
                                                                (Highways Authority); or with Sewerage
         ■  Design calculations which demonstrate               Undertaker for any connections to the
          compliance with the design criteria for the           public sewer. Discussions should be held
          site including all hydraulic and structural           with EA for Infiltration within Source
          calculations for permeable pavements                  Protection Zone areas or higher risk sites;
          and underground storage structures as                 Local Authority and Inland Drainage
          appropriate.                                          Board byelaws, comments and
         ■  Completion of standard design
          information forms as may be provided by               ■  Proposed maintenance schedule and

          the LPA.                                              confirmed management arrangements for
                                                                all non adopted drainage.  Identify any
         ■  Details of any offsite works required,              proposed split of the SuDS between
          together with any necessary consents in
                                                                private (curtilage) and public (open space
          place (or can be obtained).
                                                                or highway) land.                                  72
         ■  Confirmation that discharge consents are            ■  Designers hazard and risk assessment- to
          in place (or can be obtained):
                                                                consider construction, maintenance and
          Environmental Permit (Environment                     operation by personnel and day to day
          Agency) - an Environmental Permit may
                                                                site use by public.
          be required for works in, under, over or
                                                                ■  Details of any informative signage
                                                                proposed for SuDS.

      Lincolnshire County Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                      © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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