Page 128 - Lewisham SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 128
Detailed Design 9.11 SuDS Components Source Controls providing storage
Competent design and detailing of SuDS
Providing storage throughout the site
components ensures that runoff is collected,
(distributed storage components), means
conveyed, cleaned, stored, controlled and
that every opportunity for storage across the
discharged from site in an effective manner.
site is exploited, greatly reducing the overall
volume and size of site controls.
The general principles of SuDS component
Source controls remove most silt, heavy
design are considered in the SuDS Manual
2015 Sections 11-23. The purpose of this
section is to outline some of the key
basins, wetland and ponds to be designed as
considerations, experiences and practical metals and heavy oils from runoff, allowing
site assets.
detail solutions of commonly used SuDS
components garnered over many years by ■ green/ blue roofs
the authors. ■ raingardens
The following classifications are not rigid, for ■ bioretention
example a permeable pavement can be
considered as both source control and site ■ permeable pavements
control where it provides the required site
Collection and connection
Where runoff is collected from roofs,
123 conveyance to the SuDS component may be
required. Historic urban design shows us a
Strutts Centre, Belper.
A retrofit downpipe shoe and number of surface collection methods
brick channel into a raingarden. including spouts, surface channels and rills.
How runoff is collected and conveyed under
crossing points such as footpaths and roads
is a primary consideration of any SuDS
design. Design details such as road gullies
can artificially increase the depth and cost of
■ channels & rills
■ filter strips
■ pipe connections
Lewisham Council SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates