Page 137 - Lewisham SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 137
Filter strips
The hard edge from a pavement to a filter 3. Free draining soils - a protective liner
strip is generally defined by a kerb. Filter should be situated at least 300mm below
strips are effective at removing silt at source clean sub-soil for an agreed distance
and will connect to SuDS feature such as a offset from the pavement to prevent Detailed Design
swale after a short distance. pollution migrating through subsoils to
1. Provision of a small drop across the edge
of the kerb allows runoff to move freely 4. Clay soils - runoff will flow across the
off the pavement. surface with limited potential for
infiltration negating the requirement for a
2. The concrete haunch should be finished
at minimum of 100mm below the surface
to ensure good grass growth up to the
edge of the pavement.
Lewisham Council SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates