Page 110 - Hillingdon SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 110
Detailed Design 9.7.4 Dealing with spillage ■ ■ spillage is contained at or near the surface
SuDS components are very effective at
so that it is visible and accessible.
dealing with ‘day to day’ pollution. When a
spillage occurs this can overload the
slow travel time through a SuDS
treatment processes which occur within
management train allows time for reaction
SuDS components. Where the spillage is an
and initial clean up to take place
organic based pollutant a spill kit is used to
mechanical mechanisms such as shut off
take up the excess and the residual pollutants
valves should be avoided due to the
left in situ to breakdown naturally.
inherent risk of the essential keys not be
Designing for spillage should demonstrate:
locatable at the time of spillage. An
awareness of outlet locations which are
visible and can be easily sealed off will
provide simple and robust containment.
Milk spillages will bypass conventional drainage methods of spill containment
London Borough of Hillingdon SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates