Page 138 - Hillingdon SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 138
Detailed Design Basins, wetlands and ponds
1. Reasonably clean water, through use of
source control, should flow into site
control components at or near the surface
in a channel or swale.
2. Where a pipe entry is unavoidable it
should flow through a safe and visually
neutral headwall, such as a mitred
concrete headwall or stainless steel
gabion basket inlet.
Avoid using riprap as a form of erosion
This basin at Springhill Cohousing in Stroud can
control, as loose stones easily move around
be used throughout the year.
and cause a nuisance for maintenance teams.
Facing: An example of ‘safety be design’: these
children are doing a dance and movement class
in a SuDS storage area at Red Hill School.
London Borough of Hillingdon SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates