Page 28 - Hillingdon SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 28

Local Suds Specific Requirements                       Local LPA and Stakeholder Engagement
      Local SuDS requirements
           The London Borough of Hillingdon as the 2nd            Early Consultation before the planning
           largest London Borough                                 process is strongly encouraged for all types
                                                                  of development ( from small scale to major)
           Urban creep including the paving of front              and developers are also encouraged to
           gardens and climate change is putting an               undertake detailed pre application

           increasing pressure on the existing drainage           discussions with the Local Planning Authority.
           system. Particularly heavy rainfall is resulting
           in  increasingly flashy catchments causing             This is critical in major schemes where the
           flooding. Equally the polluted and silted              inclusion of SuDs need to be considered
           nature of run off from the traditional drainage        alongside the development of key features of
           measures has resulted in the poor water                a scheme to ensure it is fully integrated and
           framework directive status of many of the              the best Sustainable Drainage options can be
           rivers in Hillingdon.                                  delivered.

           The London Borough of Hillingdon has                   The LPA pre application advice service
           developed a Flood Risk portfolio of                    incorporates all technical consultees within
           documents supporting the flood risk                    the remit of the Council.
           management within the Borough including                Further information can be found on the
           the Surface Water Management Plan and
           Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.                  London Borough of Hillingdon website of our
                                                                  policies and processes, as well as design
           These identify Critical Drainage Areas and             checklists and proforma to help you.
  23       areas where work are being planned to

           reduce risk, as well as provide                          Facing top: Swales within the main spine road
           recommendations that have then been                         at St Andrews Park, Uxbridge - a new 1500
           adopted as policies in the Local Plan. This                   home development near the town centre
           ensures that SuDs and Green Infrastructure                             adjacent to a new country park.
           as well as waterways are integral part of
           development. Designing the worst case
           scenario is not acceptable. Where a suitable
           scheme can not be implemented, offsite
           contributions will be considered.

           The area is under pressure to accommodate
           growth along the infrastructure corridors
           such as Crossrail. Much of the water supply in
           this area is met by groundwater abstraction
           which is limited. Therefore each development
           should contribute to reducing the pressure                    Facing bottom: Green Roof at Lake Farm

           on our water resources through the provision                    School - part of the Hillingdon Schools
           of water reuse and rainwater harvesting.                                        Expansion programme.

           London Borough of Hillingdon SuDS D & E Guide                                                  © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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