Page 2 - Behind the soundtrack of Floresmilo Soxo
P. 2

Director’s Profile

             Hamilton Monar was born in Guaranda, Ecuador, on September 25th pf 1992. At
             his young age he started painting, developing a very personal esthetic proposal.

             After a few years he discovered the ability of making plasticine dolls and puppets,
             so  he  continued,  and  every  time,  got  better  in  this  area.  Nowadays  Hamilton  is
             exploring the cinematographic spaces such as animation, documental and fiction,

             and he unifies them to make up his idea.

                 RAT VICIOUS: fiction short film.
                 SENDERITO DE AMOR (Love little path): Fiction short film.

                 short,  better  carrying  on,  better  dreaming):  Documental  short  film,  in  post-
                 production stage.
                 EL CALCULO (Renal stones): Fiction short film.

                 EL NIÑO CANIBAL (The cannibal boy): Fiction shot film, stop motion.

             Intention letter

             Since I was a kid, everything I watched as references were foreign, I felt so distant

             with the artificial cinema, away from my reality, so I had the necessity of creating
             my  own  references  by  making  my  own  language.  “Nobody  is  free  from  the
             influences because they are everywhere” it said at the beginning of a book I read

             and it captivated me, written by Jorge Zapata, Ecuadorian painter who helped me
             to have a clear vision of the atmosphere about the esthetic I’m going to make.
             Reading Zapata’s work, I was shocked, because it was like it was meant to be, I
             was supposed to meet this artist in this documental stage. The Zapata’s painting is
             like a dark trance, and I love how grotesque this images are, like between bohemia

             and the dark side inside his work. He is a painter that says he is painting because
             he feels orphan and not from their parents. He is a painter that has captivated me
             and that is why I am so inspired by him, and inspires my esthetic ideas, so I am
             going to work through sensations, I mean I’m going to split this documental where I

             can write which sensation I want to show and with what elements I want to do it.
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