Page 5 - The Lost Book Preserving Food Naturally
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The Lost Book of Preserving Food Naturally
many cases, the food has survived the centuries, in better shape than the bodies it was
buried with.
Today, food preservation has changed dramatically. While we still use the old methods
of food preservation, most of the foods you can buy in the supermarket are preserved
with chemicals. These chemicals kill the bacteria which would otherwise eat the food,
supposedly rendering the food safe for use. But those chemicals aren’t much better for
human bodies, than they are for bacteria. The only reason we don’t see them causing
more damage, is that our bodies are much bigger than those of bacteria. So the impact of
those chemicals is much less.
Yet there is a trend in society to move away from artificial preservatives and move more
towards natural means of preserving food. More and more people are becoming
distrustful of those chemicals, preferring to consume foods with ingredients that they
can pronounce. While the junk food industry is in no danger of losing all their sales, their
customer base is slowly dwindling.
Part of this is due to the mistrust of GMOs, which have never been fully tested. We find
that people on both ends of the political spectrum distrust those foods and are unhappy
with the idea of being used as lab rats in an experiment to find out if they are safe.
At the same time, more and more people are seeking to preserve food at home, either due
to a return to growing their own foods for health reasons or as a part of preparing for a
disaster. Should a TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) event strike the
country, such as a loss of the electrical grid, the ability to preserve food may be an
essential skill for surviving in a post-disaster world.
Yet few people today have the knowledge to preserve food in the home. This knowledge,
which was commonplace in the time of our grandparents, has become a rarity today. We