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A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Second Edition.

            Confidential Reporting and Internal Investigation   best  practices,  and  detect  new  risk  areas.  Other
                 An  effective  compliance  program  should     companies  periodically  test their  internal  controls
            include  a  mechanism  for  an  organization’s      with targeted audits to make certain that controls

            employees  and  others  to  report suspected  or    on paper are working in practice. DOJ and SEC will
            actual  misconduct  or  violations  of  the  company’s   give meaningful credit to thoughtful efforts to create
            policies on a confidential basis and without fear of   a sustainable compliance program if a problem is
            retaliation. 340   Companies may employ, for example,   later  discovered.  Similarly,  undertaking  proactive
            anonymous  hotlines  or  ombudsmen.  Moreover,      evaluations before a problem strikes can lower the
            once  an  allegation  is  made,  companies  should   applicable penalty range under the U.S. Sentencing

            have  in  place  an  efficient,  reliable,  and  properly   Guidelines. 341   Although the nature and the frequency
            funded process for investigating the allegation and   of proactive evaluations may vary depending  on
            documenting  the  company’s  response,  including   the  size  and  complexity  of  an  organization,  the
            any  disciplinary  or remediation measures taken.   idea  behind  such  efforts  is  the  same:  continuous
            Companies  will  want  to  consider  taking  “lessons   improvement and sustainability. 342

            learned”  from  any  reported  violations  and  the   Mergers and Acquisitions: Pre-Acquisition Due
            outcome of any resulting  investigation  to update
                                                                Diligence and Post-Acquisition Integration
            their internal controls and compliance program and       In  the  context  of  the  FCPA,  mergers  and
            focus future training on such issues, as appropriate.  acquisitions  present  both  risks  and  opportunities.

            Continuous Improvement: Periodic Testing and        A company that does not perform adequate FCPA

            Review                                              due diligence prior to a merger or acquisition may
                 Finally,  a  good  compliance  program  should   face both legal and business risks. 343   Perhaps most
            constantly  evolve.  A  company’s  business  changes   commonly,  inadequate  due  diligence  can  allow  a
                                                                course of bribery to continue—with all the attendant
            over  time,  as  do  the  environments  in  which  it
                                                                harms to a business’ profitability and reputation, as
            operates,  the  nature  of  its  customers,  the  laws
                                                                well as potential civil and criminal liability.
            that  govern  its  actions,  and  the  standards  of  its
                                                                     In  contrast,  companies  that  conduct  effective
            industry. In addition, compliance programs that do
                                                                FCPA  due  diligence  on  their  acquisition  targets
            not just exist on paper but are followed in practice
                                                                are able to evaluate more accurately each target’s
            will inevitably uncover compliance weaknesses and
                                                                value and negotiate for the costs of the bribery
            require enhancements. Consequently, DOJ and SEC
                                                                to  be  borne  by  the  target.  In  addition,  such
            evaluate  whether  companies  regularly  review  and
                                                                actions demonstrate to DOJ and SEC a company’s
            improve their compliance programs  and do not
                                                                commitment to compliance and  are taken into
            allow them to become stale.
                                                                account when evaluating any potential enforcement
                 An organization should take the time to review
                                                                action. For example, DOJ and SEC declined to take
            and  test  its  controls,  and  it  should  think  critically   enforcement  action  against  an  acquiring  issuer
            about  its  potential  weaknesses  and  risk  areas.   when  the  issuer,  among  other  things,  uncovered
            For  example,  some  companies  have  undertaken    the  corruption  at  the  company  being  acquired  as

            employee surveys to measure their compliance        part of due diligence, ensured that the corruption
            culture  and  strength  of  internal  controls,  identify   was  voluntarily  disclosed  to  the  government,

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