Page 40 - The Lost Garden of Eden
P. 40

The Lost Garden of Eden

               Additional Gardening Services to Others

               This one can be difficult to do if you are already tending to your own garden.  It will
               depend  upon  the  size  of  your  plot  and  what  help  you  have  with  your  garden
               chores.  However, if you have established a good system with your partner it is possible
               that you will have enough spare time to take on several other gardening jobs.  Whilst
               many people love having gardens they are unable or unwilling to maintain them on
               their own.  You can, therefore, use your experience of gardening to assist them; by
               charging a reasonable rate you can generate a healthy income whilst using off-cuttings
               from your garden and the knowledge you have gained.
               If this is an option you should ensure that you do not take on too many other gardens;
               you will not wish to neglect your own one!

               Garden Pictures

               Another option which is often over looked is the beauty of your garden.  Whether it is
               covered with butterflies attracted to your plants or simply rows of climbing beans; you
               will be able to take photos and find people who are interested in purchasing these
               photos for their own use.  The pictures can be of your garden or the sunset, or even
               your animals.  Provided you use a decent camera you will be able to produce good
               pictures.  These can be advertized outside your home, local newsagent or anywhere
               else that you think may sell some.  There is also a range of websites which allow you to
               post the pictures you are selling.  When a buyer purchases one you are funded with the
               money, less a commission charge for the website.  It is even possible to add these
               pictures to your blog and allow people to purchase them from your site or direct them
               to visit you if they are close enough.

               Gardening Experience

               Finally, there is the option of offering the garden experience for those who do not have
               a garden or the time to maintain one.  The full experience will involve arriving at your
               home, being guided around the various different crops you are growing and then trying
               their hand at assisting.

               You may be surprised at how popular this type of business venture is becoming.  Giving
               an experience has become one of the ultimate and most romantic gifts.  Anyone who
               is  eager  to  sample  gardening  will  be  happy  to  be  presented  with  home  grown

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