Page 7 - The Lost Garden of Eden
P. 7

The Lost Garden of Eden

                Price of stuff like this must also be included. Moreover, try online stores that provide
               seeds on a reasonable time. Record the data bought and also assess the nature of the
               item  when  you  get  it.  Thus,  a  complete  record  of  everything  must  be  maintained
               alongside the calendar.
               Plan soil arrangements:

               Record the states of the soil, what supplements are expected to boost the nature of the
               soil, when the manure or different composts are included, and how the soil must be
               set up for planting.

               Make notes about plantings
               Maintain  a  record  about  when  to  plant  seeds,  herbs,  brambles,  trees  and  various
               plants. Make sure to incorporate the timetable for seeds that should be begun inside
               before transplanting.

               Maintain a list of used stuff
               Despite planting one has to take care
               of particular bugs or weeds that you
               have  used.  Additionally  note  what
               manure you utilized on which plants
               and  what  the  frequency  of  that
               particular manure was.

               Record the quantity of products
               Moreover, record the measure of product. This will help you decide the plants that
               create the best yield. This information can be used later for creating better yields in
               the future.

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