Page 39 - The Lost Ways
P. 39
Prep Time: 20 minutes; Cook Time: 10 minutes
Mash together the cooked beans in a large bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients, and mix
well. Form portions of this mix into sausage shapes. Coat with flour, and fry until crispy
on all sides.
Vinegar Lemonade
Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a 12-ounce glass of water.
Stir in 2 tablespoons of sugar to taste.
The pioneers used vinegar for numerous reasons. One reason was to add vitamin C to
their diets.
Poor Man’s Meal
❖ 3 potatoes
❖ 1 onion
❖ 4 hot dogs
❖ 4 Tbsp tomato sauce
Prep Time: 5 minutes; Cook Time: 10 minutes
Peel and dice your potatoes to a similar size as your onions. Cook them over medium heat
until the onions begin to go translucent. Slice your hot dogs, and add them to the mix.
Finally, add your sauce, and simmer until the potatoes are soft.
Hot Water Cornbread
❖ 4 cups of boiling water
❖ 1 cup yellow cornmeal
❖ 1/4 cup flour
❖ 1/2 cup canola oil
❖ 1 tsp salt
❖ 1 Tbsp sugar (optional)
Prep Time: 5 minutes; Cook Time: 10 minutes
Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add boiling water, and stir until you get the
consistency of pancake batter. Use a wooden spoon to do the stirring.