Page 21 - 104 Lost Food Items
P. 21
104 Lost Foods Items That Can Be Used For Survival
44. Pigweed
This common weed is closely related to spinach, and the trendy “grain” quinoa
is actually the seeds of another relative. Pigweed, also known as goosefoot or
lamb’s quarters, grows up to nine feet high; harvest young leaves and either boil
them like spinach (don’t eat them raw) or dry and grind them to make flour.
45. Pine trees
Pine wood is the basic raw material of the construction industry – but there’s a
lot of food in those trees. The soft white inner bark can be eaten raw, or you can
dry it, grind it into a powder and use it as flour. Boil young, green needles to
make a tea rich in vitamins A and C. It takes a while to collect the tiny nuts from
the cones, but they’re tasty and loaded with fat and protein.
46. Pineapple Weed
Sometimes called wild chamomile, pineapple weed is a small plant that grows
small, cone-shaped yellow flower heads. Use the flowers and leaves raw in salads.
47. Plantain
Not the banana – this is a broad-leafed plant that usually grows in bogs and other
damp areas. Collect the leaves and eat young ones raw; older ones should be
boiled to take out the bitterness. Ground plantain seeds are an effective laxative,
and a tea made from the roots can calm upset stomachs.
48. Prickly Lettuce
You’ll find prickly lettuce growing just about anywhere the soil has been
disturbed, and you can recognize it by its leaves. They look like dandelion leaves,
but edged with tiny prickles. Harvest young leaves from plants less than eight
inches high, and boil them for two or three minutes.