Page 6 - Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans
P. 6

Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans

                                                  2 HISTORY

               Long before Europeans set foot on the shores of North America, Indigenous tribes were thriving.  Today,
               there are only 560 federally recognized Tribal groups in the United States.  To get an idea of how many
               tribes existed around one thousand years ago, you can easily triple, or even quadruple, that number.

               As  history  has  demonstrated,  one  of  the  major  contributors  to  the  decline  of  the  Native  American
               populations was disease brought by settlers to the regions in which they lived.  Before the arrival of
               settlers with their strange new diseases, Native Americans were quite efficient at healing themselves with
               what nature gave them.

               Each tribe was unique.  They had their own religion, customs, and practices.  Many tribes had a close
               relationship with nature, believing it to be scared.  They held the upmost respect for earth and the things
               it provided.  They believed that the bounty Mother Nature provided was to be shared.  For countless
               centuries, they learned what plants to use to heal a variety of conditions.  They contributed so much to
               what we know today about healing plants.  In fact, many plants used for certain conditions have been
               proven by science to contain compounds that indeed target these conditions.

               In  addition  to  passing  on the  knowledge of  native  healing  plants,  they  also passed  on  other  healing
               traditions like a holistic approach to healing, the art of smudging, and healing through ceremony and
               community practices.  The wealth of knowledge amassed over the centuries may have been lost in some
               aspects as tribes disappeared, but some knowledge was passed down (mostly through oral traditions) and
               is still practiced today by certain Native American Tribes.

               In this book, you will learn about some of the plants Native Americans used for healing, as well as other
               healing traditions sacred to Indigenous people.

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