Page 15 - Vaccine Death Report
P. 15

T H E   V A C C I N E   D E A T H   R E P O R T


                                                       I S R A E L

               The Israeli Peoples Commitee is a team of doctors, attorneys, criminologists, epidemiologists
               and academic researchers, determined to perform an investigation, inquiry, and exposure for
               the benefit of the public. Although they are a relatively unknown group, they still received 3754
               reports,  including  480+  deaths,  as  of  August  5th,  2021.  The  IPC  states  that  these  numbers
               represent only 1-3%  of the true prevalence in the population, which means that according to
               this  data  the  number  of  deaths  in  Israel  is around  48,000  and  adverse  events  approx.

               375,400. Also in Israel, statistics from shows a massive spike in deaths when
               the vaccinations started. Before the immunization campaign began, there were hardly any daily
               covid deaths in Israel. Right after the vacccination project was launched, the daily death toll rose
               from 1-3 to 75-100 deaths a day!

                                           S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M
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