Page 33 - The Lost Book of Remedies
P. 33

The Lost Book of Remedies

               in the morning, for 20 days a month. If you do this for a minimum of 3 months,
               you should see your numbers in calcium deficiency improve.


               Corns on the feet can be quite uncomfortable. And, if your feet are uncomfortable,
               your mobility will most likely suffer, leading to more serious issues. Yes, you can
               have them taken care of at the doctor’s. However, that can be costly, and painful.

               So, boil some hawthorn root in a pot of water, until the water turns brown. Let it
               cool slightly, but while hot enough to stand it without burning your skin, soak your
               feet until the water cools significantly. Repeat this daily for approximately 2 weeks.
               You should start to see some improvement in just a couple days.


               If you partake in the spirits, you might be interested in some natural remedies for
               a good old-fashioned hangover. Hangovers have been around as long as the first

               In China, they swear by green tea. Apparently, it’s more than just a tea for the
               health-conscious and yoga crowd. Sipping on green tea when you start feeling the
               effects of having a bit too much to drink, will help diminish the tell-tale symptoms
               of a good party. Green tea is not a fad though. The Chinese have been drinking it
               for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.

               Another option comes from the United States. But to some, this option might seem
               more brutal than the hangover itself. It’s often referred to as a “prairie oyster”. If
               that hasn’t lost you yet, combine 1 raw egg yolk, 2 teaspoons vinegar, 2 teaspoons
               of Worcestershire sauce, 2 teaspoons ketchup, 1 teaspoon pepper sauce, and a little
               bit of salt and pepper. Whisk all the ingredients and drink up!

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