Page 104 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 104

Chapter 6 – The Key Protocols                            85

           they  felt  so  much  better—they  had  more  energy  and
           vitality, clearer thinking, and felt healthier overall after
           completing Protocol 1000.

           The instructions given here are for the original, and what
           I  like  to  call,  Classic  Protocol  1000.  If  you  do  further
           research  you  will  find  that  we  and  many  other  people
           have  tried  various  versions  of  Protocol  1000  over  the
           years. While most all of the slight variations of Protocol
           1000 have been successful, according to reports we have
           received from around the world, the success has never
           been as good as the original protocol of mixing the dose
           fresh every hour.

           Protocol 1000 is taking a maximum of 3 drops of activated
           MMS (MMS1) in 4 ounces/120 ml of water (some juices
           are acceptable, as explained on pages 42-45) once each
           hour, for eight consecutive hours, every day, for three
           weeks or until well. One does not start out at 3 drops an
           hour. You try to build up to 3 drops slowly as stated in this
           book  and  abiding  by  the  Three  Golden  Rules  of  MMS.
           Remember, if your body does not tolerate an increase of
           drops, stick with what works best for you. Your health
           may be recovered taking less than 3 drops in each dose.
           Some people have recovered their health taking 1 or 2 (or
           even less) drops per hour.

           It is best to start out slow and build up to the 3-drop dose.
           Do not start Protocol 1000 until you have complet-
           ed the Starting Procedure. After finishing the Starting
           Procedure we start Protocol 1000 at 1 drop an hour and
           work up to the suggested 3-drop dose per hour.
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