Page 272 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 272

Chapter 12 – Emergency Protocols                        253

           Depending on the situation, in the case of someone who
           is  unconscious  or  who  cannot  swallow  here  are  other
           ways to get MMS into the body: Protocol 3000 (external
           application  of  DMSO  and  MMS1).  The  Bag  Protocol  is
           another option if they are conscious but have a problem
           with swallowing. If using the bag, make absolutely sure
           that the person cannot get a breath of the gas as that
           could cause harm. Depending on the circumstances one
           may also be able to do an MMS bath. (A foot bath could
           also  be  helpful  if  the  person  is  unable  to  get  into  a
           bathtub.) If you are the one who is sick, you will need
           someone to help you, preferably someone who is knowl-
           edgeable about MMS. But if for some reason that person
           is not available, hire someone you feel confident can help
           you and have them read this book.

             Advocate of MMS: Absolutely, I am a huge, massive advo-
             cate of MMS. I have suffered intensely under doctor's care
             for 3 decades and they nearly killed me two times because
             they  honestly  didn't  have  a  clue  of  what  to  do  so  they
             pushed about 15 different prescriptions from anti-depres-
             sants to beta blockers to methadone for two decades, and
             I lost organs due to their recklessness and carelessness. I
             would have taken away all of their licenses [if I could], all
             80 doctors that supposedly provided health care to me.  So,
             MMS, is pretty well the only thing I take now if I get even
             the slightest cold, and type of recognized infection in the
             body from cough to chills and shivers to urine infection
             (with uva uva combined) just for extra precaution for the
    is the best and most cheapest efficient and effec-
             tive way to treat your body. I haven't been to the doctor's
             now for 2 years! —Mel, Canada
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