Page 292 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 292
Chapter 273
Chapter 14
Additional Important
A biofilm is a thin resistant layer of microorganisms that
form on and coat wet surfaces. They are well-organized
colonies of bacteria clustered together to form micro-
colonies. Biofilms can be formed by a single bacterial
species, but biofilms more often consist of many species
of bacteria, as well as fungi, algae, protozoa, debris, and
corrosion products. Essentially, a biofilm may form on any
surface exposed to bacteria and some amount of water.
In industry biofilms form in many places such as in water
pipes, water tanks and cooling towers. Biofilms can also
form in or on the human body and thus are responsible
for many diseases.
When these colonies of bacteria cluster together, they
secrete a special mucus that cements them together in a
film-like concoction. When this happens other pathogens
can hide in them and beneath them. Biofilms can make
healing in the body more difficult or often impossible.
They are highly resistant to antibiotics. Medical drugs
seem to have little, if any, effect on them. However, MMS
can overcome biofilm, both inside and outside the body.
If you have been taking MMS and are improving, but at a
very slow rate, it may be an indication that you have