Page 306 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 306

Chapter 14 – Additional Important Information           287

           sites try to clean up. They may go overboard and repro-
           duce to the point of causing a problem in the person and
           thereby contribute to the symptoms of autism. By detoxing
           the body and reducing the parasite population, thousands
           of children with autism have shown significant improve-
           ments. Check out Kerri Rivera’s book, Healing the Symp-
           toms known as Autism. (See Links of Interest, page 319.)

                   Water Purification with MMS

           MMS1 for water purification: To treat plain clear water
           that you feel should be purified to kill disease pathogens,
           such as tap water from your faucet, I suggest adding 8
           drops of MMS1 (activated MMS—use 50% citric acid or
           4% HCl) per gallon of water (or 4 liters/4 quarts). Count
           30 seconds for the drops to activate then put the mixture
           into a gallon of water. Mix thoroughly, cover and wait for
           at least one hour before use. Keep in mind MMS1 does not
           kill the chlorine or the fluoride in your water but it will kill
           diseases. For smaller quantities of water, use less drops.
           For 1 quart (or liter) use 2 drops of MMS1.

           Turpid (cloudy) water requires more MMS1. If you have a
           slight bit of turbidity, use 12 drops of activated MMS1 per
           gallon.  A  higher  amount  of  turbidity  requires  higher
           amounts of MMS. Use 12 to 24 of MMS1 drops or even
           more  drops  for  river  water.  This  is  something  you  will
           have to evaluate and do your best to get it right. In this
           case, it is always best to error on the side of too many
           drops than not enough. A slightly bad taste resulting from
           the MMS1 (if you have to go higher) will not hurt you.

           MMS2  for  water  purification:  Water  can  be  purified
           using MMS2 equally as well as MMS1. (Like MMS1, MMS2
           does not kill the chlorine or the fluoride in your water but
           it  will  kill  diseases.)  Both  MMS1  and  MMS2  are  used
           throughout  the  world  to  purify  water  in  public  water
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