Page 61 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 61
42 MMS Health Recovery Guidebook
Taste Factor/How to Improve the Taste of MMS1
Why do MMS1 doses taste extremely bad for some
people? We have noticed that some people develop
extreme revulsion to taking MMS1 at one time or another
while on an MMS protocol. Sometimes it gets so bad that
people simply cannot take it anymore. I think there may
be an explanation. Possibly the pathogens create the
aversion to MMS1 as a survival mechanism for the
pathogens to keep the person involved from continuing to
take whatever it is that might destroy them. In any case,
if this happens to you, it is well worth your while to do
whatever you can to try and overcome the aversion to
taking MMS1. Endeavoring to keep a positive attitude can
help, then try one or some of the things mentioned below
to help overcome the taste problem.
Many people agree, that MMS1 doses activated with
4% HCl (hydrochloric acid) taste better than those
activated with 50% citric acid. If you are using citric acid
and the taste is bothersome, try switching to HCl. It is
really a personal matter—see what works best for you.
Though water is the ideal, if you cannot take MMS1
with water only, because the taste bothers you, some (not
all) natural juices are OK to use if they do not have harmful
preservatives and/or added Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, as
this will cancel out the effectiveness of MMS1. Fresh juice
is best. We have found apple, grape, and cranberry juice
to work well with MMS1, but again, it should be natural,
without preservatives and have no added Vitamin C (or
ascorbic acid). Never use orange or tangerine juice in any
form with MMS1. You may have these juices at least two
hours before or after your MMS1 protocol for the day.
Many teas are not compatible with MMS. However,
there are some herbal teas that are compatible. This can
vary depending on what tea you are using, i.e. the fresh