Page 8 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 8
Chapter VII
It would take pages to adequately express my sincere gratitude
to all those who have contributed in some way to this book—
whether knowingly or not. I can’t find the words to sufficiently
express enough appreciation, but I am confident that each one
will in some way at some time—receivepayback. When you do
the right thing, it always comes back to you. Nonetheless, here
I want to highlight a few individuals who deserve special
Thousands upon thousands of people in need of health recov-
ery have been the driving force for me to document this infor-
mation. I want to especially thank all those who have attended
seminars and who have contributed your energy and zeal, your
knowledge and experience, and your inspiration. The same
thanks goes to the countless people who have written in from
around the world with questions, suggestions, ideas, and testi-
monies of what you did that worked—my deepest gratitude
and appreciation goes out to all of you.
Many thanks to those who have read this book in its pre-re-
lease state and offered suggestions. And very special thanks to
the main proofreaders: DD, Jan Wallace, Daniel Bender, Bishop
Manuel Catedra, and Charlotte Lackney. Thank you for all the
hours put in—each of you made important contributions in
your own unique way.
Thank you, Archbishop Mark Grenon and sons, Bishop Jon
Grenon, and Bishop Joe Grenon, for contributing the Vaccine
Procedure for overcoming vaccine injuries. In addition, Mark
also developed the MMS1/DMSO Patch Protocol. You will con-
tinue to be rewarded for your tremendous work in this life and
the next.