Page 15 - The Fourth Industrial Revolution
P. 15

encourage scale and influence change across entire systems.

               Aside from speed and breadth, the fourth industrial revolution is unique

               because of the growing harmonization and integration of so many different
               disciplines and discoveries. Tangible innovations that result from
               interdependencies among different technologies are no longer science
               fiction. Today, for example, digital fabrication technologies can interact
               with the biological world. Some designers and architects are already mixing

               computational design, additive manufacturing, materials engineering and
               synthetic biology to pioneer systems that involve the interaction among
               micro-organisms, our bodies, the products we consume, and even the

               buildings we inhabit. In doing so, they are making (and even “growing”)
               objects that are continuously mutable and adaptable (hallmarks of the plant
               and animal kingdoms).      4

               In The Second Machine Age, Brynjolfsson and McAfee argue that
               computers are so dexterous that it is virtually impossible to predict what
               applications they may be used for in just a few years. Artificial intelligence
               (AI) is all around us, from self-driving cars and drones to virtual assistants

               and translation software. This is transforming our lives. AI has made
               impressive progress, driven by exponential increases in computing power
               and by the availability of vast amounts of data, from software used to

               discover new drugs to algorithms that predict our cultural interests. Many of
               these algorithms learn from the “bread crumb” trails of data that we leave in
               the digital world. This results in new types of “machine learning” and
               automated discovery that enables “intelligent” robots and computers to self-
               programme and find optimal solutions from first principles.

               Applications such as Apple’s Siri provide a glimpse of the power of one

               subset of the rapidly advancing AI field – so-called intelligent assistants.
               Only two years ago, intelligent personal assistants were starting to emerge.
               Today, voice recognition and artificial intelligence are progressing so
               quickly that talking to computers will soon become the norm, creating what

               some technologists call ambient computing, in which robotic personal
               assistants are constantly available to take notes and respond to user queries.
               Our devices will become an increasing part of our personal ecosystem,
               listening to us, anticipating our needs, and helping us when required – even

               if not asked.

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