Page 17 - 1776 Report
P. 17

More significantly, the Progressives held that truths   branch of government called at times the bureaucracy
               were not permanent but only relative to their time.   or the administrative state. This shadow government
               They rejected the self-evident truth of the Declaration   never faces elections and today operates largely without
               that all men are created equal and are endowed equally,   checks and balances. The founders always opposed
               either by nature or by God, with unchanging rights. As   government unaccountable to the people and without
               one prominent Progressive historian wrote in 1922,   constitutional restraint, yet it continues to grow around
               “To ask whether the natural rights philosophy of the   us.
               Declaration of Independence is true or false, is
               essentially a meaningless question.”  Instead,
               Progressives believed there were only group rights that   Fascism
               are constantly redefined and change with the times.    The principles of the Declaration have been threatened
               Indeed, society has the power and obligation not only to   not only at home. In the 20  Century, two global
               define and grant new rights, but also to take old rights   movements threatened to destroy freedom and subject
               away as the country develops.                    mankind to a new slavery. Though ideological cousins,
                                                                the forces of Fascism and Communism were bitter
               Based on this false understanding of rights, the   enemies in their wars to achieve world domination.
               Progressives designed a new system of government.   What united both totalitarian movements was their
               Instead of securing fundamental rights grounded in   utter disdain for natural rights and free peoples.
               nature, government—operating under a new theory of
               the “living” Constitution—should constantly evolve to
               secure evolving rights.

                     Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands.
                        Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not
                    happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, because if the American Constitution
                                               should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.

                                                                                         Daniel Webster

               In order to keep up with these changes, government   Fascism first arose in Italy under the dictatorship of
               would be run more and more by credentialed       Benito Mussolini, largely in response to the rise of
               managers, who would direct society through rules and   Bolshevism in Russia. Like the Progressives, Mussolini
               regulations that mold to the currents of the time.   sought to centralize power under the management of
               Before he became President of the United States,   so-called experts. All power—corporate and
               Woodrow Wilson laid out this new system whereby   political—would be exercised by the state and directed
               “the functions of government are in a very real sense   toward the same goal. Individual rights and freedoms
               independent of legislation, and even constitutions,”   hold no purchase under Fascism. Its principle is instead,
               meaning that this new view of government would   in Mussolini’s words, “everything in the State, nothing
               operate independent of the people.               outside the State, nothing against the State.” Eventually,
                                                                Adolf Hitler in Germany wed this militant and
               Far from creating an omniscient body of civil servants   dehumanizing political movement to his pseudo-
               led only by “pragmatism” or “science,” though,   scientific theory of Aryan racial supremacy, and Nazism
               progressives instead created what amounts to a fourth   was born.

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