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            General Medical Council (GMC)
            The GMC maintains the official register of medical practitioners within
            the UK. Its statutory purpose is to protect, promote and maintain the
            health and safety of the public. It controls entry to the register, and
            suspends  or  removes  members  when  necessary.  The  website
            includes ‘guides for patients and the public’, which will help you decide
            which organisation is best placed to help you. More information can
            be found in the ‘concerns’ section of the website.

            Healthcare Safety Investigations Branch (HSIB)
            HSIB’s  purpose  is  to  improve  safety  through  effective  and
            independent investigations that do not apportion blame or liability.
            HSIB’s investigations are for patient safety learning purposes. Anyone
            can  share  cases  with  HSIB  for  potential  investigation  (but  an
            investigation is not guaranteed).

            Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
            CCG’s  pay  for  and  monitor  services  provided  by  NHS  Trusts.
            Complaints can be made to the relevant CCG instead of the Trust, if
            you prefer.

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