Page 78 - The Glorious Adventures of Bernard, Al, and Hugh
P. 78
The o s A n u s Be n , Al, an H h
“Now, I have ‘n importan’ question.” Al said
“How do ya sew?” What followed next was disgruntled
shouts, Al getting frustrated and climbing back down
from the crows nest. After more arguing, it was still
undecided about who would go up and fix the sail. Hugh
would not because he did not want to take another fall.
Al would not because he did not know how to sew.14
Bernard could, but he did not want to end up like Hugh.
Thomas tried but failed without falling into the water.
Finally, Bernard went up to the crow’s nest and
successfully sewed the last sail together.
The boat was now fixed, every hole in the boat to
every puncture in the sails. Our protagonists could now
return to London.