Page 9 - The Glorious Adventures of Bernard, Al, and Hugh
P. 9

The      o s A   n u  s    Be n   , Al, an  H  h

                                 Bernard and Hugh

                             As Told By Alex The Angry

                       Bernard went back to his house. See, Bernard is a

               lawyer, so he was very rich, in pounds of course. He

               owned horses whom were in fine fettle and were most

               popular. Despite all this, Bernard had a fairly humble

               home. Now what I mean when I say this is that his house

               was still big, just not as big as you would imagine one

               that belongs to someone with the number of pounds in

               his back pocket. Bernard is a very kind-hearted young

               man. Withal his riches, he could buy enough servants to

               fill up the whole town! And yet towards the contrary, he

               has no servants at all.

                       Bernard’s good friend Hugh Wilson lived close

               by. Hugh had just enough money to get by. Hugh is very

               smart, a great fisherman, a tad bit childish and English,

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