Page 7 - The Glorious Adventures of Bernard, Al, and Hugh
P. 7

The      o s A   n u  s    Be n   , Al, an  H  h

                       It was a grand place. It was massive, and it had

               colorfully painted murals on the smooth polished wood

               that made up the floor, and it had a gargantuan penthouse

               in the back that had a roof hanging over the rest of the


                       “‘ere she is!” Al loudly exclaimed. On the side of

               the boat, read S.S. Iomproir Fuisce. Bernard wondered

               what this meant. “My pride and joy in life! Been runnin’

               my business ‘ere for almost 30 years.”

                       “Isn’t it a bit strange to be running a tavern on a

               boat?” Questioned Bernard. “You would think things

               would go crashing around!”

                       “Oh we hav’ a pritt’e good solution!” exclaimed

               Al. “All of the tables, chairs, and furnishes are nailed

               into tha’ ground! I hired the finest carpenters in town!”

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