Page 32 - The Glorious Adventures of Bernard, Al, and Hugh
P. 32
The o s A n u s Be n , Al, an H h
Joey Tysone’s Plan For Utter Catastrophe
As Told By Willy W Mack Williams
Joey Tysone betrayed our protagonists. However,
I can assure you that our protagonists will be the ones
who will get the last laugh.
While Joey Tysone locked up Al, Thomas,
Bernard, Hugh, and the rest of the crew, Joey was
hatching a plan to betray everyone and if it worked, Al,
Bernard, Hugh, Captain Thomas, and the pirates would
be at the bottom of the ocean…
The pirates were triumphantly celebrating their
victory. “Those dirty brits never stood a chance,” they
Meanwhile, Al was complaining down in his cell
about the lack of whisky they were being given.
“I WAN’ WHISKY!” He roared. They were very