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 Lesley Franklin  Gareth Warren

 Mrs Franklin has been a part of the Heriot’s community   aligned with our ethos as a school. The House of St Barnabas is run as a   We are delighted to welcome Mr Gareth Warren to   integration! Throughout my career in education, I have been lucky
 since 1995, donning a variety of guises since she first   charity that helps London's homeless back into work as a sort of   George Heriot’s as the new Principal, as of the   enough to experience many highs and credit the excellent staff, pupils
 rehabilitation programme so the event felt like it just ‘worked’ due to the   (former and current) and parental network for being an integral part of
 crossed the quadrangle as a Junior School teacher. She   2021/2022 academic session.
 setting, the weather, the people and the overall enthusiastic vibe in the   those memories.
 went from strength to strength, stepping into the role    room - it felt like a real celebration of Heriot’s.   Mr Warren comes to the school with a wealth of experience, having
 of Head of Junior School, and most recently, the first   previously been the Head at Morrisons Academy in Perth. Gareth will be   We actively promote our founder’s motto of distributing
 Of course, my Ken Hom dinner was a fantastic experience. The S6 pupils   chearfullie and live by the values of ‘work hard, be kind, be happy’.
 female Principal in Heriot’s history.   worked so hard and it was incredible that we raised over £11,000 in the   a wonderful asset to the Heriot’s community, where he is keen to   What values do you live by?
          embrace and develop Heriot’s prestigious reputation and ethos.
 Quadrangle caught up with Lesley to chat about life in the driving seat,   evening for the charity, ‘Action Against Hunger’.   I have seven key ideals I hold in high regard both personally and within
 uncovering her most cherished moments throughout her career at   I enjoy the big calendar events like Prize Giving, June Day and the Usher   Welcome to Heriot’s, Gareth. As you begin as Principal, what are   the school environment: honesty, integrity, positivity, curiosity, tenacity
 Heriot’s.   Hall Concert, but also the general week-in-week-out interactions with   you most looking forward to about joining the school?   and being both caring and adventurous.
 Thank you for joining us today, Lesley. As a member of the   parents, working with the Captains and connecting with people – that’s   There are many things I am looking forward to, particularly considering   Values are critical to schools as they set the moral compass and serve as a
 Heriot’s community since the mid ‘90’s, how would you describe   one of the joys of working at Heriot’s.   Heriot’s reputation as a leading school across Scotland and the UK. Its   reference point for the behaviours and actions for the school community.
          history, ethos and association with excellence make it an undoubted
 your years here?   And on the flip side, what was the greatest challenge?   I believe school values must integrate and synchronise with personal
          privilege to lead as Principal. Along with these virtues it is also the
 Happy. Very happy, and incredibly busy. It’s been very positive and there   During my time here, we have seen two serving members of staff pass   potential of the school, the scope and possibilities of how it can develop   values so that we can all become balanced, honest and caring individuals.
 have been a lot of changes along the way but some things have stayed
 away. To this day I commend how the staff supported pupils, colleagues   and its capacity to be a leading voice in the evolution of education that   Former pupils are an integral part of the wider school community.
 the same, like the Heriot’s ethos. Our motto, I distribute chearfullie, has   and parents. It was a testament to the Heriot’s ethos and community   generates a personal excitement.     Do you have any words for Herioters across the globe?
 become much more of a mission statement. The Rights Respecting
 spirit that we got through it the way we did. Those staff still remain in   One of the most pleasurable parts of the role as a Principal is to meet
 Schools Assessor said, when she spoke to the pupils, they would mention   our thoughts.   Above all it’s the people that make a school and the staff, pupils and
 the school motto to her and that never happens when they go to other   community of families that connect with the school make it a special   former pupils, to learn of their careers, responsibilities, adventures and
 Reflecting on your Heriot’s journey, what will you miss most about   place. The significant network of Former Pupils and the potential that lies   their association and memories of the school. I am delighted to address
 schools. That’s a real testament to the Heriot’s community. So yes, it’s
 being Principal?                                            the FP network directly in this edition of Quadrangle and say: “I look
 been a real pleasure to work here, with great colleagues, lovely families   behind this community is particularly intriguing and I am looking forward   forward to meeting you, whether in person or virtually, and hope that the
 and brilliant pupils.   The people – all the staff, parents, pupils, former pupils and the daily   to understanding how these relationships can be channelled and
 interactions with them all as individuals. When you’ve got a tricky day   harnessed in promoting and improving the school. I hope we can work   relationship you have with the school continues to be close, to feel
 What are the standout experiences of your Heriot’s career?   connected and one that can bring benefit to others.”
 ahead and a little Junior School pupil (for example) greets you in the   together to make a difference to people’s lives in keeping with the
 That’s a tough one as there have been so many. Most people will know   quadrangle with a funny story or question, it’s an incredibly heart-  Heriot’s ethos, an ethos that makes it a truly inspirational institution.   Finally, you’ve been to Heriot’s a few times prior to ‘officially’
 I’m quite competitive when it comes to hockey so when the P7s won the   warming feeling. It’s the school community that makes Heriot’s what    joining us, do you have any early thoughts about what makes
 annual Watson’s Tournament against all other Scottish independent   it is.   Across your teaching career, do you have any favourite high points?   Heriot’s special?
 schools, I was absolutely thrilled as the girls played so well that day.   Across a career as a Science and Sports teacher there are always a few
 And finally, do you have any ‘golden nuggets’ of advice for    It’s presence, for one. There is certainly an aura as you enter the historic
 There have been lovely hockey wins in my time here which I will cherish,   ‘moments’ that live in the memory. I spent time teaching in Bermuda
 Mr Warren?   and the routine of marking homework was made all the more   buildings and a clear sense that this is a very special place. The interactions
 and also the camaraderie and team spirit.
 Live by the motto and distribute chearfullie. That’s probably the best   manageable by my ‘desk’ being the beach in John Smith’s Bay – who   I have had with some pupils and staff indicate a strong investment and
 The former pupil events are a real highlight too and the House of St   connection with the school, a pride in being part of Heriot’s and also a
 advice I could give. It’s a wonderfully fulfilling role. Relish the   can complain there?! I always fondly recall experiments that don’t run to
 Barnabas Reception was particularly memorable. It was the first time we   recognition that it is a privilege to be part of such a school. There is a
 opportunity and enjoy it. If Gareth has a Heriot’s experience like I have,   plan – a certain exploding yoghurt springs to mind along with the
 had tried a more informal event and there were a huge number of   wonderful sense of duty to do your best and maintain the high standards
 he will have a very happy headship indeed. I am very grateful to all.  millennium home-brews created by an S6 class which were rather
 Herioters of all ages in attendance. The venue was ideal, not just   of the Heriot’s community. The Heriot’s crest is worn with honour in and
          revolting! Then of course, there are numerous sporting occasions and
 because it was in a beautiful, old Georgian building, but because it   beyond the gates of Lauriston Place. For me, that’s a true testament to the
          memories centring around school trips which are always a joy to look
          back on. One particular highlight was sailing around the Peloponnese   standing of Heriot’s as Scotland's leading independent school.
          Islands with 40 youths from Manchester – an interesting cultural
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