Page 25 - Golf Mini Book - 2022-2023
P. 25

Wegman, Toby .................. (561) 988-0207
     Wegweiser, Wanda ........... (561) 271-9250
     Weiss, Arlene .................... (860) 913-5806
     Weiss, Carol ...................... (516) 551-3000
     Weiss, Irene ...................... (561) 241-8904
     Wertheimer, Roni .............. (301) 343-6948
     Wolfson, Angeles .............. (954) 909-8193
     Yaspan, Lori ...................... (516) 314-2141
     Yeonas, Marjorie ............... (703) 795-5851
     Yerman, Ellen .................... (410) 913-5527
     Yospe, Caron .................... (561) 676-0626
     Zappala, Pamela ............... (412) 999-8093
     Zimble, Phyllis ................... (561) 997-0072

         Players  should  be  ready  to  play  as  soon
        as it is their turn to play.  When playing on
        or  near  the  putting  green,  they  should
        leave their bags or carts in such a position
        as  will  enable  quick  movement  off  the
        green and towards the next tee.  When the
        pl ay   of    a   hol e   ha s    bee n
        completed,  players  should  immediately
        leave the putting green.

         Before  leaving  a  bunker,  players  should
        carefully fill up and smooth over all holes
        and  footprints  made  by  them  and  any
        nearby made by others.  If a rake is within
        reasonable  proximity  of  the  bunker,  the
        rake should be used for this purpose.

         Players  should  carefully  repair  any  divot
        holes  made  by  them  and  any  damage  to
        the putting green made by the impact of a
        ball  (whether  or  not  made  by  the  player

         The  flagstick  should  be  properly  replaced
        in the hole before players leave the putting

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