Page 19 - CoP_Infrastructure_Plan_2017
P. 19

COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN / Community Pro le and Popula on Trends
Palmerston has developed a Master Plan for its City Centre to provide a vision and framework to achieve be er planning and urban design outcomes. The vision is predominantly for the next 10-15 years, however it also provides long term direc on for the next 30 years. A key driver of the Master plan is to increase the residen al density within the City Centre.
It is di cult to forecast and quan fy the residen al growth of the CBD for the life of this plan as the zoning allows a mix of uses to occur and ul mately the development will be driven by market demands.
Based on current development approvals (and the residen al components of these) and considering the vacant land within the city centre, a conserva ve popula on es mate puts a long term CBD popula on of over 2000 residents within the city centre.
Holtze Growth Area
While not included in the Palmerston municipality, it is noted that the growth in the Holtze locality will occur in the medium to long term. This growth may impact on the exis ng infrastructure within the Palmerston Municipality if the e ec ve planning and provision of services does not occur in the Holtze locality.
Therefore, applying infrastructure provision principles similar to those of Palmerston will generally allow for adequate provision and less reliance on Palmerston facili es.
Council should therefore ensure e ec ve comments are provided for development in Holtze as part of the planning process where applicable.

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