Page 46 - CoP_Infrastructure_Plan_2017
P. 46

Ac on
1. Undertake targeted consulta on and associated needs analyse to determine the layout and precise func on of the space
2. Consider provision op ons for a facility which may include a public/private partnership via an expression of interest for the facility and approaches to na onal funding bodies.
3. Aim for delivery of the facility in the Long term once ac on (2) has been inves gated.
Short Term (0-3 years)
Medium Term (3-7 years)
Long Term (7+ years)
District Community Centre
The exis ng YMCA, in par cular the indoor hall/court area provides the func on of both as a Community centre, hall and youth centre at a District Level. The loca on of the Facility within the city centre allows adequate servicing by public transport and the size of the facility allows the provision of larger events, higher number of patrons and ability for Council to conduct its larger programs. The primary item for considera on is management of ac vi es by both Council and YMCA sta  to ensure the variety of uses can be managed on the site, in par cular given the peak hour patronage of the  mber court areas. It is noted that expansion of library and any addi onal recrea on centre space in the long term may also aid in the provision of community and youth space, along with a quiet environment for addi onal seniors ac vi es that may reach beyond the local level provision.
Council Health and Recrea on facili es
It is noted that the exis ng Health and Recrea on facili es has a signi cant patronage and does service communi es outside of the Palmerston LGA.
Future growth within Palmerston and the role the facili es play on a regional scale (servicing adjoining LGAs) should be considered in a future needs analysis for this par cular piece of Community Infrastructure.
Based on the peak hour u lisa on and external patronage of the exis ng indoor recrea on centre, provision of a 3rd indoor court is warranted in the long term.
Expansion of the exis ng city centre site on a ground level may be limited given its exis ng footprint, however the available land on the Moulden site may allow for the provision of a further indoor court to improve the o erings of the current Moulden site and relieve peak hour patronage on the city site.
Depending on the feasibility of delivery of a 3rd court in isola on, inves ga ons should also consider the feasibility and cost bene t of the delivery of a 3rd and 4th court in future expansion. It is noted both the land area and GFA of the DSS are met with these facili es however the provision of an addi onal court is required.

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