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3 simple tips to get delicious, balanced weeknight meals on the table
Proven tips to streamline meal prep on busy weeknights
(BPT) - Weekday schedules get crazy, which is why the rst casualty of all that chaos is the family dinner.
While most families say eating togeth- er is a high priority, day-to-day reality is di erent. According to a 2013 poll by NPR and the Robert Wood Johnson Founda- tion, only half of children in the U.S. are
in families that dine together. Yet research cited by the American Academy of Pediat- rics shows that children reap many bene ts from regular family meals, from improved academic performance to developing a deeper sense of resilience.
But busy families can nd time to sit down together more o en, says Colleen Burns, a lifestyle expert and spokeswoman for Nestle’s Balance Your Plate program. To be successful, set the intention with good planning and smart strategies. What’s more, these meals can also be delicious
and nutritious.
“When you have simple solutions in
your toolbox to get those well-balanced and tasty meals on the table in the little time that you have, it lets you establish and keep an important family ritual,” says Burns, who is also a busy mom of six boys. “At the same time, you don’t get burned out, and that’s key to staying motivated and inspired.”
To help you get started, Burns shares her top three simple tips to get delicious and nutritious meals on the table quickly.
Shop the freezer section: When you’re
in a time pinch, frozen foods have many o erings that set a good foundation for any home-cooked meal, Burns says. Of- tentimes, the quality is just as good as their fresh counterparts, and they eliminate many steps of prep time, whether you’re looking at entrees, veggies or sides. On top of all that, fruits and veggies are ash-fro- zen, which locks the nutrients in place.
Don’t sacri ce: If you know what to look for when shopping the grocery aisles, you can nd convenient entrees and sides with- out sacri cing taste or quality.
Burns recommends Stou er’s Macaroni & Cheese as one easy solution that helps you get a great meal on the table. It has ingredients that consumers would use in their own kitchens, such as freshly made pasta, butter, cheddar cheese and milk. Burns likes to serve it as a side to marinat- ed chicken (see recipe below) and roasted seasonal veggies, because it’s a simple solution that makes her and her family feel good about dinner.
Maintain balance: Look to a variety of entrees and sides to bring a nutritional balance as well as delicious avors to your dinner menu. Burns recommends opting for lean proteins like sh and chicken served with fresh or frozen veggies. Check out her how-to video below to learn more.