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How to keep your seafood wild
(BPT) - Every day, consumers are bom- barded with buzzwords when selecting groceries - natural, organic, non-GMO, gluten-free and so on. Coupled with news headlines about the environmental impacts of growing, raising and catching food, it’s
no wonder many of us are becoming more confused about which choices are right for our diets, our budgets and the environment. And nowhere is this issue more confounding, perhaps, than in the seafood section.
Fish and seafood are avorful sources of protein, and the variety and versatility of
the ocean’s bounty is no mystery. What may be considered a mystery is whether all the options in front of us are sustainably sourced. Some are labeled wild, others farm-raised, but questions remain given the limited informa- tion provided and the fact that mislabeling can occur (an independent study of the open global market found an average mislabeling rate of 30 percent for all sh and seafood).
With the world’s growing demand for seafood, ocean environments are increasingly strained. e livelihoods of approximately 10 percent of the global population are supported by the oceans through artisanal and commer- cial shing careers. Over shing - when too few adult sh remain to breed for a healthy population - has been an issue for some species, and it can decimate sh stocks and habitats as well as the shing communities
and economies that rely on a healthy supply. Illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU)
shing continues to occur around the world and can exacerbate over shing problems. IUU shing generally disregards quotas and the environment, as does destructive shing, which may expose delicate ecosystems to explosives or chemicals.
Fortunately, industry groups have devel- oped standards and certi cations to help us navigate the murky waters and nd some clarity. For 20 years, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), for instance, has been re n- ing its science-based standards for certifying sustainable sheries and introducing trace- ability in its e orts to keep the oceans wild and teeming with life for generations to come. And, seafood that has been determined to meet the MSC’s stringent standards is marked with an easily identi able blue sh label.
By looking for the trusted blue sh label, seafood shoppers can be assured that their purchase:
* Represents only wild sh or seafood from sheries assessed by an independent third party to meet strict science-based criteria.
* Supports sustainable shery practices and good management that adapts to changes in the environment.
* Traces back to a certi ed sustainable shery and is kept separate from non-certi ed sh and seafood.
* Features correct labeling, providing peace of mind while selecting food for the dinner table.
Of course, not all certi cation labels are the same. To make a truly informed choice, you might consider doing a little homework before deciding which label to seek and support with your shopping and dining-out dollars. Several well-regarded international organizations maintain best practices for food production, sustainability and traceability, providing recognition of certi cation and ecolabeling programs that meet them. Organizations like the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO), ISEAL Alliance (the global memberships association for sustain- ability standards) and the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) are all considered reputable sources for more information.
With a little research, you can gather information that helps ensure the seafood you put on the table can be traced to its source and veri ed as wild and sustainable. At the same time, its enjoyment can be guilt-free: each purchase provides incentive for more sheries, retailers and restaurants to join the movement to support transparency, traceability and sustainability in our food system. By speaking with their wallets, consumers have the power to track their seafood from ocean to plate and keep it wild.