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How to avoid a spring break money hangover
“Ask Brianna” is a column from NerdWal- let for 20-somethings or anyone else starting out. I’m here to help you manage your mon- ey,  nd a job and pay o  student loans — all the real-world stu  no one taught us how
to do in college. Send your questions about postgrad life to
Q: I want to travel this spring, but I don’t have a lot of extra cash. How can I make it happen?
A: Spring break doesn’t just belong to college folks tired of pulling pre-midterm all-nighters in the library. Everyone needs an excuse to indulge, whether or not you’re in school.
But jetting o  for spring break like
you might have in college is pricey (and seems exhausting a er age 22). I searched the travel comparison website Kayak for weeklong all-inclusive resort vacations in Cancún, Mexico, booked one month in ad- vance. For a trip in late March, the average cost was about $1,600 per person, which included  ights, a hotel room and meals.
 at is a ton of money for someone who doesn’t have any extra cash.
Bottom line: You have no “extra cash” if you have no emergency savings. You have no “extra cash” if you’re wondering whether you have enough room on your credit card. But with some planning and forethought, you can have an emergency cushion and a vacation, too.
Try this plan: Do something small, cheap and slightly less extravagant; save
a little for emergencies; and then plan a guilt-free trip next year with money that’s actually in your bank account — the very de nition of “extra cash.”
Proactively saving money for emergen- cies you can’t predict is more important
than a big vacation. Find the money by cutting a subscription service you don’t use or getting rid of extras on your cell phone plan you don’t need. You don’t have to sit at home watching HGTV until you have three to six months of expenses saved, though.
Save $500  rst, then reward yourself with a meal out. Get to $2,000, and take
a day trip somewhere. A er that, you’ll be in a better position to spend on things you want simply because you want them. Add up your basic expenses each month, and keep saving until you can cover three months’ worth, then six months’.
While saving up, you’re still allowed to do cool stu .  e trick is to pay for that stu  in cash so you’re not building credit card debt at the same time. Here are some ideas for local escapes:
—A massage or spa service: A one-hour massage costs $73 on average, according to the American Massage  erapy As- sociation, though prices vary depending on where you live. Search for a massage therapist through the association’s thera- pist lookup tool .
—A pasta-making class: I found options that cost $35 for a 1.5-hour class, $79 for
a two-hour class or $140 per couple for a 2.5-hour class.
—Go on a hike: National parks have free entry on certain days during the year, including Saturday, April 21, the  rst day of National Park Week. Spend a day at the closest one to you; pack a lunch and pay only for gas to get there.
Once your emergency fund is up and running, consider signing up for a rewards credit card, which can get you cash back to spend, or points for  ights or hotel stays when you’re ready to go away. Many come
with sign-up bonuses that can subsidize part of a future trip — but make sure to pay o  the balance each month to avoid paying interest.
People who successfully save for vacation do it all year long. Just like you put a speci c amount each month toward that emergency fund, and ideally also for retirement, do the same for travel, says Shurdonna S. Joseph ,
a certi ed  nancial planner at Janney Mont- gomery Scott in Philadelphia.
Danny Ko e, a special education teacher in the Atlanta area and author of “ e Wealthy Teacher,” generally goes on one big summer trip with his wife and two kids. He saves $1,000 to $1,500 for it in what he calls a travel escrow account over the course of the year.
This strategy requires researching
far in advance where you want to go and how much it costs. So try it for the next vacation you take. If that all-inclu- sive resort sounded appealing, set up
an automatic transfer to your savings account for $133 a month, and you’ll have $1,600 for next year. Many online banks let you set up and name several accounts or subaccounts, so make one specifically for “Fun,” ‘’Travel” or “See- ing the Sun Again.” You might even save
more than you thought you could. _____________________________________
 is column was provided to  e Associated Press by the personal  nance website NerdWallet.
NerdWallet: Emergency Fund Calculator: How Much Will Protect You? American Massage  erapy Association: Find a Massage  erapist ndamassage/index.

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